Join Voiceover Pro, Linda Bruno as she talks about ”Talking”, sometimes with various Industry VO friends in a completely laid-back environment. No interviews here! Just knowledgable Voice Industry friends speaking honestly about the Industry, including pitfalls, successes, and personal experiences. Learn from talent that has made it work and continue to do so in this new VO era.

About My Podcast
Join me for a laid-back discussion focusing on the often overlooked aspects of the industry. My guests and friends, who are currently working in the field, share their own unique perspectives.
Some of my friends go back to my beginnings in 1994, so you know you'll be hearing about the real stuff.
No big name guests here, it's all about the real world view from voice actors in the trenches at all levels of success.

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Ep 129 - Bringing Community Value with Paul Schmidt
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Episode 129 – Bringing Community Value with Paul Schmidt
Paul Schmidt returns to the podcast to discuss his VO Pro community and the benefits it offers voice actors of all levels of expertise. As an experienced sales and marketing pro who also is a voice actor, his unique perspective gives some insight into how you can market yourself simply. Linda shares some insight into the new Voiceover Gurus Circle community and all it has to offer!
Check out his VO Freedom Master Plan at https://paulschmidtpro.com/vo-freedom-master-plan and Grow Your VO!
Join our Circle Community: https://the-voiceover-gurus.circle.so/home
About Paul:
Paul Schmidt is a Richmond, VA-based voice actor, VO event speaker, VO community builder, creator of the VO Freedom Master Plan. His experience includes work for Apple+, Cisco, Delta Airlines, GE Appliances, Lenovo, Mailchimp, Merck, Renewal By Anderson, Uber Eats, and Verizon Media. He's a proud father to his son, Robbie.
Coaching Website: https://voiceover.guru/ and https://learnwiththegurus.com/
Join our Circle Community: https://the-voiceover-gurus.circle.so/home
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com
Kevin Kilpatrick Voice Actor https://kevinkilpatrick.com/

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Ep 128 - My VO Journey with Erin Cox
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Episode 128 – My VO Journey with Erin Cox
In this episode of The Voiceover Gurus podcast, student Erin Cox shares her VO Journey and how she has started her career. Learn about her travels so far and what has worked for her.
About Erin:
Erin Cox lives in Northern Minnesota with her supportive husband, barky dogs and yowly cat. Between family and radio, she has started a voiceover career with a mix of Agents, P2P sites and a dash of networking.
Getting to voiceover has been a winding road starting in the Navy, leading to roller derby, then Connecticut School of Broadcasting and radio. After finding the Guru’s podcast, Erin worked with Linda Bruno, JJ Wilson and Alyssa Jayson to tamp down her radio-ness then put together her first Commercial Demo and has been trying to figure it out from there.
Erin’s hobbies are cooking, singing along to old country songs, losing in MarioKart (out of niceness), watching DragRace and being outside when the Minnesota weather permits. Jobs so far have included; President Cheese, Skyy Vodka, Google and Gorjana.
Visit Erins’ website: www.realfriendlyvoiceover.com
Coaching Website: https://voiceover.guru/ and https://learnwiththegurus.com/
Join our Circle Community: https://the-voiceover-gurus.circle.so/home
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com
Kevin Kilpatrick Voice Actor https://kevinkilpatrick.com/

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Ep 127 – Diverse Vocal Ranges with Australian Voice Actor Matt Cowlrick
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In this episode of The Voiceover Gurus Podcast, Linda invites Australian voice actor, Matt Cowlrick, to discuss the essential elements of a successful career in voiceover. Matt shares insights on how having a diverse range of accents and vocal ranges can help voice actors tap into a broader range of opportunities and build a long-lasting career. Listen and learn about how Matt has made it work for decades.
About Matt:
Matt Cowlrick has been a full-time voice actor for over a decade. He records every day from his personal Source-Connect and ISDN studio, mostly in the genres of commercial, corporate and animation/character.
He works in multiple accents and vocal ranges with some of the biggest brands in the world. Select national campaign voice work includes TD Bank, GMC, McDonalds in Canada, BabyBel, Scrubbing Bubbles, Hilton, WorkDay in the US, Trex Decks in the UK and VistaPrint in Australia. He has performed promo work for AMC, Discovery, and Paramount+. Some of his animation and video game credits are Pirate Express (TELETOON), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Chuck's Choice, World of Warcraft and Littlest Pet Shop and Loki and additional characters in Marvel Super Hero Adventures.
Visit Matt’s production company website: https://www.timbersound.ca/#about
And consulting website: https://www.timbercreative.ca/
Coaching Website: https://voiceover.guru/ and https://learnwiththegurus.com/
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com
Join our Circle Community: https://the-voiceover-gurus.circle.so/home

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Ep 126 - New Gurus Coach Kevin Kilpatrick
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Episode 126 – New Gurus Coach, Kevin Kilpatrick
It’s time! We can officially announce our new Voiceover Gurus coach and on this episode, Kevin comes aboard the podcast to chat about his life, experiences and how he coaches. He is a welcome addition to the team! Join us for a workout or a private coaching session with Kevin.
About Kevin Kilpatrick:
Ever since stepping onto a stage at age 5, Kevin Kilpatrick had an unshakable desire to perform. Throughout his school years and into college, he was always acting; even attending college on a theatre scholarship. After college and a successful 18-year career as a radio personality, Kevin made the leap to full-time voice actor in 2004.
Today, Kevin is an Emmy-nominated and multiple SOVAS award-winning voice actor, producer and coach. He’s known for his documentary work on National Geographic, REELZ and PBS. He’s voiced commercials for GE, Hard Mountain Dew, Aleve, Cracker Barrel Cheese, American Express, FedEx, Nutri-System and others. He’s proud to be a regular narrator for corporate clients Apple, Pepsi, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Pizza Hut, Kia, Lowe’s and countless others.
One of his “bread and butter” genres though is Automotive. Kevin can be heard nationwide in over 50 markets helping automotive dealers “move metal.” Kevin is also heard regularly on radio stations throughout the country as the imaging voice of the station.
When Kevin is not in the booth performing, he’s usually producing audio or working with others as voice-acting coach. Having trained with elite acting coaches himself, Kevin is passionate about helping talent of all skill levels improve.
Another fun fact about him is that he is an avid sports fan. Away from the studio, chances are you will find Kevin on the golf course, tennis courts or at the ball field. Want to talk sports? Kevin is the guy you want to chat with, preferably over a nice glass of bourbon.
Visit his website: https://kevinkilpatrick.com/
Coaching Website: https://voiceover.guru/ and https://learnwiththegurus.com/
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com
Join our Circle Community: https://the-voiceover-gurus.circle.so/home
Kevin and Linda Podcast
Welcome back to the Voiceover Gurus Podcast. I'm Linda Bruno. I'm so excited because this has been an anticipatory thing for many months now that we have the honor of Mr. Kevin Kilpatrick joining us as a coach for the gurus. Yeah, I'm excited to be here. Honor. I don't know. We'll see. Let's give it a few months and see how that part works out.
No, the honor is mine though. Seriously. I'm humbled. And, you know, I kind of threw something out to you several months back and you're like, I'm listening. And then, you know, some questions and a detailed interview process, a background check, and here we are. I know. And then you, you're like, Oh, I'm going to be gone because I'm taking my lovely wife to Greece for many, many weeks.
And so it was like this little secret that had to stay hidden that I kept saying, someone's coming. Somebody great is coming. They're coming to coach and help you help you through your reads. I just think it's always so great to have. you know, an extra set of ears on folks that, you know, they [00:01:00] have a chance to get another opinion on their read.
And it's just, it's valuable, especially from someone who has your history as well. You've been doing this for a million, gajillion years, too. Yeah, since I had kind of started out prior to that on a part time basis while I was still doing my radio job and around 2004 corporate radio was like I was getting tired of it.
I didn't lose my job. I was very humbled that my boss at the time, when I told him I'm leaving radio to do voiceover and production full time, he's like, Kevin, you are. Well, at the time, my radio name was Gator. So anybody, any, any. South Florida radio fans from Kiss Country, you might remember Gator. But anyway he was like Gator, you know, are you serious?
Do you, do you want us to try to make you stay? And I'm like, no, I'm, I'm doing this, man. I, I'm tired of spinning the prize wheel with listeners on the weekend and I'm, you know, I want to make my own schedule and I want to create my own path. So here I am nearly 20 years later and still going strong.
But the question is, did you have a [00:02:00] mascot at the country station that would go with you to the remotes? No, we didn't really have a mascot. We would the radio DJs would go out and then we'd have the promotions crew there and we'd have the van set up. We had an RV though. It was a giant red. A red, white, and blue RV, Kiss Country, we had a big prize wheel.
Fancy! Yeah, always handing out t shirts, and yeah no, no really, no mascot to speak of. I guess I was the station mascot, because I was an anaconda. You were! Yeah, they gave me that radio name, by the way. Oh, really? Yeah, it was when I signed my agreement with the radio station at the time, I told my boss, I said, I don't want to change my name because I knew he was legendary for changing people's names.
And I said, I want to keep Kevin Kilpatrick. That's what I've been called my whole life. And he's like, let's readdress that. And what do you think about Gator? And I'm like, you've lost your mind. But it turned out, Linda, to be a great thing because in Arbitron ratings at the time, people fill out these diaries of who they listened to and that's how you got listenership up.
They remember you. Yeah. Yeah, they remember. So they remembered Gator. Wow, wow, that's pretty cool. We had a mascot at the second station I worked at up in Long Island, Lucky the Duck. So I would do my remotes with Lucky the Duck as we would spin the wheel of prizes. What was the format? What was your call letters?
It was WKJY, so like adult contemporary, so, okay. So how did the duck, I was thinking, what was it? WUCK or, you know, WDCK or No, just tap and have a duck. Just, no, I was, you know, queen of Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, and Long Island Love songs at night. Oh, that's what I, oh, were you kind of like a Delilah or something?
Do you remember? Delilah? Yeah, she was on after us. Oh wow, okay, so you're not like Delilah. You were her lead in. You were her opening act. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So, the old days of radio, which so many of us are, were started in. But you made, obviously made the transfer over because a lot of radio people have tough...
a tough time becoming voice actors. Yeah. And you know, part of it for me, Linda was I had a bank of automotive clients. So automotive is one of my jams. So I'm still on in I, I still, I'm probably at my highest now, but I'm probably doing about 60 markets a month. I'm on in New York. By the way, yeah. So I'm on every month I've been on in New York for the past 12 years for this one group of dealers, Hudson, it's the Hudson group of dealers and the spots don't sound anything like I'm talking right now.
And we can, you know, I'm sure when we get into our coaching and things that this. Possibly will come up, but you know, there's certain sounds that work well for automotive and thankfully, a lot of it's changed because a lot of it can be just friendly, natural Kev. Hey, buy a Camry for one 99 a month. But for Hudson, I do what is called the mean, angry father.
And it's like, buy a Camry one 99 a month. Get it now at Hudson Toyota. So, and that's even, that's even dialed back from what I really do for them, but yeah. So yeah, I made the transition, had some automotive clients at the time and automotive became my bread and butter and it still pretty much is.
And that afforded me the opportunity to transition from radio. And plus I was still doing some production. My old radio station at the time would hire me monthly to do production for them. And so I got lucky on my transition. I don't know if it was lucky or planning, but I had. Some established income and I also had, I was resourceful, you know, I, I'm, I'm a hustler.
I'm a hustler, baby. I hustle, you know, and that's what this game is all about. So how did you wind up deciding that you wanted to do some coaching? How did you fall into that? Organically I have you and I met via a casting, so I've done casting for years. I keep forgetting keep forgetting, Michael McDonald I keep forgetting how long ago you and I met.
It's been what, seven, eight years, probably? At least, no, because you found, you found me on voice one, two, three. Yeah, yeah. And that was, that was, I think longer than that. Yeah, and I don't think we ever did, did we ever do any live sessions where I directed you? I don't know. Yeah, I don't think so.
Probably not for automotive. I'm Yeah, I might would have, but I don't think I did for you. But that being said, I've done cast every sense. So in this all goes back to part part of my coaching is in part of making money in this industry is it all adds up. I'll say that constantly to people. It all adds up.
And I'm talking about many different aspects. Being a pro Being, you know, good at what you do, being resourceful, being available, being easy to work with. And one of those things is being an answer, a resource. So I've, in the beginning I had clients that were like, Hey Kev, you know, you're great, but we've got some crossover with, we're going to get another dealer on in the same market, but we can't use your voice.
Can you find another male voice? And I'm like, yeah, I can. Same with finding, Hey Kev you found us a great another great male. Can you find this a great female? I'm like, yeah, let's go on voice one, two, three and see if we can find Linda Bruno and, and that happened. And so getting to the coaching part of it.
So I've always done casting pretty much ever since I made the transition. Gotcha. So I've got Kev, could you get this, you know, talent to do it this way? And this way I'm like, yeah, I can. So I started directing. So. I've been directing since I first started and, you know, I, I trained my ear. I, you know, I, I know it sounds good to me and so that's kind of how it came about.
And then just throughout the years, I've always had people ask. How do you get into voiceover? I've been told I've got a good voice, Kevin. How can I get into voiceover? And I'm first thing is stop talking like this, Dan. No, no, no. But, but that happens. And so I've just always offered advice and tips and, you know, throughout the years.
And so it just kind of happened organically. And the. First official coaching I've done, I guess it's probably a voice over Atlanta where my I call her my work wife, but she's my podcast partner, Bobby Maxwell. She and I, you know, hosted a workout group at VO Atlanta. We did a speaking session there and that was probably the first official one, although I was very comfortable in that.
And and so I've been doing Christy Bowen, who runs Tennessee voiceover studios. Invited me to be one of her, formally invited me to be one of her coaches here in Nashville. And so that happened a few years ago and now I have been honored and humbled to join the VO Gurus. So here I am. Is that a long enough roundabout rambling on version of your question?
No, that's great. Well, it makes sense though. Because you know, I know automotive is such a huge part of your life, but, of course, you know, and if you're a patient person and you listen, you can, you know, coaching can be a natural next step. You know, you have to have that patience and have that open, open mindedness to, I had a great compliment given to me the other day from a student he also does he coaches what do you call it public speaking.
And he does it for corporate. And he does it online too, especially since COVID. But he said to me, he goes, there's two types of coaches. He says there's the coach that teaches you their method, and they try to get you into their method of doing something. Then there's the coach that finds your strong points and helps you flourish.
With what you have and he says and you are that type of coach and I was like, oh my gosh I'm so honored to hear that because it's true you know if you have the patience and the willingness to really listen and and and pay attention to Someone's performance and what they bring to the microphone the table you know, you can help them Hopefully find something else within themselves to bring out a better performance and become a better performer, a better voice actor.
I agree with that assessment 100 percent because one of the things I was going to mention is, you know, with coaching, I think it's valuable for we coaches to Coach ourselves and train ourselves with other coaches because we need that perspective. We need that outside voice. And in my experience with what you just said, it's been exactly that.
It's been, I've worked with folks who've got a method. They've got a way that they want to try to get you in that method and I see great value in that. I also see the value in kind of, and I'm like you, I like listen to see where the person is and listen to what they're all about and and try to get to them that way on a connection basis, I guess.
Yeah. It's not, I'm gonna try to fit you, I'm not gonna try to fit you into a mold that I've created. I'm going to try to mold you In a way that I hear and when I hear some progress, I'm going to try to tap into that a little bit more. So, yeah, I agree with you 100 percent on those two different ways to do coaching.
It's a process. You know, one asked me, so, well, how do I know if I'm going to be good at promo, if I'm going to be good at whatever? And, you know, look, we start with commercials and we go from there, you know, this is. To me, it has to just like you said, organically, I can throw a bunch of different scripts at you.
Let's see, you might hate promos, you might hate, you know, doing automotive or you might fall in love with it. You know, there's just so many avenues because I know a lot of talent asked that and they say, Well, how do I know what I'm gonna be good at? Well, with your coach. Hopefully you'll have a coach that'll support you in whichever direction, but obviously what you get booked for, you kind of find out there what you're good at as well.
Yeah. It's funny, a funny story. When I started doing this full time in 2004 I reached out to this guy, a guy in San Francisco. Can't think of his name, but he is an OG legend. I don't even think he does a lot of voiceover anymore. He, it was initials. It's like JK or something anyway, but he started out in the business as a writer.
Now he's not a producer. He is a voice. He's a writer and a voice actor. Boom, done. I think he did casting and stuff like that, but he did a lot of national stuff. He was always on a voice one, two, three. You know, giving advice to people and I hit him up one day and I said, would it be cool if I sent you some samples and this is remember 2004 2005 I sent him some samples and he so graciously spent the time and wrote me this thoughtful note back and it was just incredible.
But what he said to me at the time has come true to this day. He said. Kevin, you sound great, but you know, you got a little bit of an announcer sound. He said, you know, with, with the right work, you could do promos. You could do trailers with the right amount of work and training and stuff. He goes, but I do see you do it a lot of corporate narration and that kind of stuff.
And I'm like, all right, cool. And that's kinda, you know, I do commercial work. I do automotive. I do a ton of automotive. But I do a lot of corporate work. I do a ton of e learning. And you know, I do a handful of national spots throughout the year that I'm very grateful to get. And I know to this day that it's because of getting back to training, it's getting back to training.
Linda, I think I've told you the story, but I refocused myself in 2018 and started training with coaches because I wanted to get back to my original goal of doing national stuff. Right. And so so here I am, you know, five years later and I'm starting to see the fruits of that labor. I'm getting back to your point about what people are going to be good at.
We don't know. We don't really know. You've got to explore it. You've got to think about what you love, like audio books. You know, I've done a few of them, but they're not for me, like regular. I do get, I do get a desire to do them now and then though. And then after I do one, I go, Oh yeah, that's why I don't do a lot of them.
But I enjoy what I do. And that's it. Yeah. There's any number of things that we can do in this business and be successful. We just don't know, but it's good to, to, to try a bunch of things and not limit yourself no matter what, you know, so that's great. So it's good to also humbly feel that feeling of let me go back and let me get, let me get some coaching and have someone else listen to me and how I perform.
Because, yeah, you get another, I did that with casting directors in the city, they do online workouts, and I will, you know, and they've known me for years, and so they know what scripts to send me, and then they know, okay, how to, they tell me things that I'm like, oh my gosh, I didn't even realize that I wasn't doing that, or, you know, and it's, I'm still nervous as all get out though, honestly, I cannot, I am, for some reason.
I feel for people that come to our online workouts, especially the first time I feel for you because it is so nerve wracking. You're sitting there, you're waiting, you're looking at the script, you're waiting. When's it going to be my turn? And here I still feel that way. I still feel that way. Yeah, I did a a promo workshop with a one of the voices of CBS.
I don't know, a couple of months ago and it was a room full of talented people and yeah, it's my turn. And I'm like, yeah, nervous as all get out and, and in, to your point again, in 2018, when I started my, my rebirth and my, my refocus on, you know, getting bigger and better gigs, uh, that was the most humbling thing at the time.
Not because I'm cocky. It's because it's like. It was the nerves. It was the like, they're going to think I suck. They're going to be like, how'd you even make money in this business? And that, that was my fear. And like you said, anybody that's coming to this brand new, just know that we've done it ourselves and we've humbled ourselves and we've gone through those nerves and it is tough.
And we do understand it. Yeah. I try to also let people know too, that. with the classes and things that I've taken, especially the in person stuff up here in New York. You know, there's a lot of really very tough coaches and very tough teachers who are not nice. And I hated how I was feeling. I hated how I felt going to the class.
I would, I, all week I would be nervous thinking, Oh God, I'm going to have to, because I did like on camera, I did improv, I did a bunch of stuff. And I thought, you know what, if I ever do this, I do not want to ever have a student feel like they're dreading. Coming, you know, to coach with me. Yeah. And learn from me.
And it's just the you have to, I don't know, to me, creativity does not blossom under those circumstances. And now with AI performance, you got to nail it. Or you can just kiss being in voiceover goodbye. You know, so you have to be a performer. There's there's no way around it. You have to get those acting chops down.
You got to be because what what what else? What do we have left? Yeah, because you can't rely on your good voice. No, you can't. And I cannot imagine you anybody ever going. Oh my gosh, she's going to be mean to me. Linda be nice. I, believe it or not, some people like, and I get it, they don't know me, you know, so sometimes they get, but then once they realize, no, no, I'm, I'm just a big goofball like the rest of us.
And you have to be in this business. Yeah. But you also have to convey your point and you have to be firm when necessary. And, you know, I'm the same, but I'm going to do it in the nicest way possible. You know, you know, that's me talking to myself, by the way, that's how I coach myself abusing yourself. Yes, I know.
So we have I've been beating the drum for people to join the circle community because I'm transitioning away from Facebook because we have the Facebook community, but It didn't have all the elements that I wanted to incorporate with everybody and the Circle Community is so cool because we can have these nice little chat rooms in these areas where people can either complain about things or some things for mental health as well in the Circle Community.
Now we're doing this weekly script. I don't know if you had a chance to listen to any of the ones from last week, Kevin. I did. I listened to all of them, actually. Did you? Yes. I sure did. It's so cool. Yeah. Isn't it awesome to hear other people read the same script? Yes. It was, it was enlightening and it was funny because one of, one of the students that read I guess it's okay to say, but I think I'm going to be directing him.
In a demo coming through another source. So yeah, yeah. I was like, what? Oh my gosh. So, so that was a small little community. It is. You'll, people will find that out to the voiceover world is, is, can be small. And you know, the circles run around each other, they connect and they interact and it's great.
I love it. Yeah. Especially like the students, I, several of the students I have, I know have gone and been with a lot of other coaches, which I encourage, you know, I think, you know, whatever you can gain from someone else's coaching or demo production, by all means, as long as you're not getting screwed over, that's all I care about.
As long as someone's not just selling you this six, for six grand, you know, I'm not going to coach you and I'm going to put something shiny on it you know, I just, I can't handle that. Yeah, exactly. I mean, just from my perspective you know, I, I guarantee I have coached with probably close to a dozen coaches, you know, throughout the years.
And you know, sometimes it'd be a one off you know, I have now on one hand are the ones that I can count that I've had multiple sessions with. You know, but that's the ones I see value in that work for me, you know that resonate with me and it'll be different for everybody. But yeah, you can glean stuff from everybody that you work with and, you know, sometimes you do find a great connection and you want to stick with one coach.
So you can certainly take that route, but yeah, like Linda said, there's nothing wrong with having multiple coaches. I liken it to my golf. Short lived golf addiction, where I was taking lessons for like seven years. Short lived. Yeah, and I found this fantastic pro who I love. He was fantastic. And then, for some reason, I couldn't connect with the chip shot, with how he was telling me how to hold everything and how to move my body.
So one day I wind up at one of my favorite golf courses out here on Long Island, and there was another pro there, and I'm like, you know what, I'm going to take a lesson with this guy. And we work on the chip shot, and how he explained it clicked for me. And it was just, oh, wow, just a different approach helped me in regards to that one thing.
So this whole time all these years with this one coach, which again, I'm not taking anything away from him because I learned the majority of what I know, it just took that one other opinion to say, let's shed a little light on this and show you a different way because it wasn't clicking for me. with the other coach.
Does that make sense? A hundred percent. A hundred percent. But my real question is, why short lived? Are you not still playing? Are you still playing? Not as frequently. In all honesty, my mother moved up from Florida, so she lives upstairs. And I have to help her a lot with things. And then I got married, and my life shifted.
So for that seven year period of time, I was single. And I had no responsibilities. And disposable income. Yes, I was at the height of a lot of my clients. I was working a lot. And so I would go and play golf all the time. You know, it's an expensive sport. Yes, it is. And yeah, so that's what happened then all of a sudden life shifted and I was like, Oh God, I don't, I can't get out in the golf course this weekend.
And then you got to find someone who wants to play with you. And then I was in a league for many, many years, an executive women's business league, you know, a bunch of me and old ladies playing. And I loved it. I loved it. But just life shifted, life shifted. I love how affectionately you said that, me and a bunch of old ladies.
Well, I, there was some very competitive leagues and I didn't want to play with those women. They were the ones that were doing like eagles, like every time they'd go out and I'm like, I don't want to do that. What's your handicap? Do you carry a handicap? I'm not one I discuss. My handicap is my swing.
Now I got extremely obsessed and it's become, it became just like living, breathing, eating golf. Oh. And then. I was a, what do you call it, a range rat, so I would constantly be there. I would be 20 degree weather, 20 degree weather at the heated stalls. I'd be hitting balls. You were a professional practicer.
Yes. So then I'd get on the course and I'd be okay and then I'd hit a bad shot and then one time I walked off a course and I started crying and I thought, I am not in the PGA, LPGA. Right. What the heck is going on? I have to release. So this is my personality. I know when I got to sleep. Step away from it for a while.
So that's what happened. You're taking a little bit too seriously. Yeah, it's true. And when you take it too seriously, then I don't know, you lose it. Yeah, I get it. But, but we, the important thing is we are taking what is important seriously and that's our voiceover careers. Yes. Very true. You like that segue, but I was going to say, Oh, that was interesting, but also.
I like it. The golf is always like a good little referral point for me when I don't think about my swing. When I release my brain, it's a beautiful swing. I hit it. The sweet spot. It's like with the performance with the script. If you're thinking about the technical, if you're in your head, criticizing yourself and saying, Oh, I should have said like that, or I should have like my, my voice doesn't sound right here.
You lose, you get out of the performance and then you. You have to release, you have to release, let go, trust, have faith that your training has, you know, paid off in some sense, something has sunk in and go for it. Yeah. Yeah. It's muscle memory. Yeah. But that brain just gets in the way of everything. Oh, it does.
And I'll hear that a lot from coaches that I work with and train under, you know, stop overthinking it, stop getting in your own way. And that's so true. So true. It's tough to do though. Oh, it is. Yeah. How do you, how do you shut it out? I go to my happy place. So I think about being on the golf course with a big old glass of bourbon.
And that's my, it's, it's hard. You know, sometimes I really connect with stuff. And then I know when I phone it in, I know but, but I know how challenging it is, but sometimes I'm, I'm in my happy place within the script and I'm like, Oh, this, this speaks to me and, and I can get there. But you know, I just, I try to shut it all down, but it's hard.
I do, I don't have a go to to get to my happy place. I've got a go to of trying to get myself in the situation, you know, within the script. You know, thinking about the scene and all that good stuff. And I will find a way to connect that way. But, you know, sometimes it's artificial, but sometimes it's good enough to work.
You know? Right. So, are you finding that, are you talking about with auditions or jobs or both? Auditions mostly. Like, you know, trying to find that, you know, like, I got, well, I got booked and then I just found out that they're postponing the project. So I kind of got booked and then they said, nope, sorry.
But for, this is just this week too, but for the script, it was a medical too. I was, dang it, it was a medical. And I'm like, It was very complicated. I don't want to say what the medicine was because people, you know, know and but there was a lot of this plus this allows you to do this and this happens and this happens.
Well, all this medical stuff and I'm like. The, the focus for me was getting the wording right and saying the wording properly. And so I were, you know, practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced, got in the booth and I was able to say it fluidly. And sometimes that's clearly that's all it takes for medical sometimes is to be cool and just get the words out and say, I'm cool and smooth and you're going to be good.
And like, Hey, I'm, I'm caring, I'm warm and I'm good. You know, I know what I'm talking about with this medical stuff and early. It only sounded like I knew what I was talking about because I spent so much time getting the wording, right. So yeah, whatever works. So that wasn't necessarily a happy place for me, but it was technique.
And you know, sometimes that works. Yeah, you find your, you find your methods and your ways to get through it. Well, we have your first workout. You're going to be joining us when this actually, it'll be the week of, because this podcast is going to be on the Monday of the Wednesday workout that we are doing together.
So we can say this week is my first workout? We can say that. Yes, yes. It's very exciting. And it is, it is. It's sold out at this point. But it is going to be probably one of the few times that all three coaches are going to be together. But it, it'll be, it'll be great because you'll get a chance to, to work with Alyssa and see how awesome she is and she'll see how awesome you awesomeness.
That's very sweet. I'm looking forward to it. So what do you think is your favorite, most favorite thing to coach? Like genre? That's a great question. I mean, I can coach automotive all day long. I can I feel pretty good about documentary and narration e learning you know, I can coach e learning all day long commercial work.
I feel confident in too. I don't know if I have a favorite. I, you know, I don't know if my favorite would necessarily be what I'm strongest at. You know, because commercial stuff, I, you know, I book commercials, but you know, coaching and commercials is like, it's got to be, I got to listen to where the person is and how they're connecting with the script and these kinds of things and, and see where that goes.
Automotive, I pretty much have a formula, you know, going back to the, you know, the formula versus organic approach, I guess. But no, I, I like. I like working with people and I love hearing people improve. I was humble brag, I was directing a demo session last week. I actually, I actually did two directed two demo sessions last week, Linda.
And it was just so great because one of the actors that I worked with She brought me to tears doing this autism spot and that's what I was hoping for. And I said, okay, we're done with this one. We're done with this one because you're not going to see me like this anymore during this session. And then the guy that I worked with, he's an up and comer and to just hear him with his natural sound, just nail this gif thing that we were doing and get it exactly as I was hearing it in my head.
That's super rewarding. So the genre to me doesn't matter. It's the seeing the results is what matters. Fantastic. Yeah, that's right. You're, you're pretty experienced with the demo production. You've been doing that forever, right? I've been doing, you know, Here are the last couple of years. It's really picked up and that's by, you know, I don't market it.
I don't talk about it. I don't blast it on social. It's just referrals. And that's kind of picking up and it's just, you know, I know what that process is like. I've been producing stuff since I was knee high to a coyote. That's a Tennessee saying, by the way, I really have. You know, cause I cut my teeth in radio producing stuff, slicing tape together and, you know, messing with stuff, but now I know how the demo world works and, and I know what it takes and this kind of stuff.
So I have been producing a lot of stuff lately. I, I thoroughly enjoy that. I thoroughly putting, enjoy putting something together with my crew that is compelling and can be effective and can get noticed and that kind of thing. So I'm really enjoying that side. And yeah, it has, you know, I guess I'm fortunate and blessed, but it has picked up.
You know, I'm very fortunate to stay busy as I am. Kevin, I think you should stay in this industry. I think you've got a lot going for you. Ah, you know what? And here I thought I was going to take a being a professional gardener because I can grow a mean tomato. I'm predicting that I think you're going to do really, really well.
Yeah, I would, I would suck at the gardening part because I would much rather be watching baseball or playing golf in the summer than tending a garden. That's for sure. Agreed. Agreed. I'm so glad that you came on. This is fantastic. What's, can I ask what's happening with your podcast? Yes. So the Making Waves VO podcast is dropping very soon.
I'm proud to say that we have a presenting sponsor for the podcast. So I know I'm excited about that. We've already got you know, our, our methods are different with in terms of our podcast. I've got three in the can right now that are still being edited. One's pretty much ready to go, but I'm going to be dropping them weekly.
As I get them rolled out, I'm still working out some wording with the sponsor. So that's, what's holding that up just a little bit, but yeah, the Making Waves VO podcast with my partner, Bobby Maxwell, that is going to be dropping by the end of October, fingers crossed. Fantastic. Well, your stuff is always organized.
I like to fly by the seat of my pants. Oh, well, hey, if you only knew. It's like, I'm like the, the what is it? The metaphor of the duck. He's swimming like crazy underneath, but he looks smooth on top of the water. That's me all the time. I've been called a hot mess more than once in my career. My problem is I get inspired by something I hear and all of a sudden I'm like, Ooh, that would be good to add.
And then it's like, boom, I'm off in a different direction. But I Try to stay organized, but thank you. Thank you for joining me today. A true pleasure. It's an honor, Linda. It's great talking to you as always. And I'm, I value our friendship and looking forward to what our partnership brings in the near future.
Yes. So folks, you want more information? Kevin is already on our website and yeah, he's going to be coaching with us. Probably at least once a month in a workout I would imagine, but of course available for private coaching. So, and especially if you're an automotive man, that's, that's an awesome industry.
But yeah, I'm just glad that you were able to join me so we could say hello to everybody and welcome you to the VoiceOver Gurus. Thank you so much for having me. Get more information if you'd like to about coaching, anything that we do at voiceover. guru. And thanks again for joining us. Have a great day.
Should I start recording now?
Thanks for listening to the voiceover gurus podcast real talk about the voiceover industry Learn more about us and get coaching at voiceover dot guru.

Monday Oct 16, 2023
Ep 125 - DeepDub.AI CRO - Oz Krakowski
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Episode 125 – Deepdub CRO – Oz Krakowski
In this episode of The Voiceover Gurus Podcast, Linda engages in a thought-provoking dialogue with Oz Krakowski, the esteemed Chief Revenue Officer of Deepdub, on the subject of how AI technology is gradually becoming a part of our daily lives. They also delve into the crucial role that voice actors play in production, despite the rising use of AI.
About Deepdub:
Deepdub is an Israeli startup company, headquartered in Tel Aviv. Deepdub aims to bridge the language barrier and cultural gap of entertainment experiences to international audiences, by providing high-quality seamless localization of entertainment content using deep learning and AI algorithms. Deepdub plugs into the post production process of content owners and takes complete ownership of all of their localization needs.
About Oz:
In 2020, Oz Krakowski joined Deepdub as the Chief Revenue Officer, leading marketing, sales, and business growth. With over 25 years of technical and business leadership, Oz's background includes co-founding Kytera, a smart solution for seniors living at home, and managing major accounts at Texas Instruments. A global thinker, Oz's skills span management, technology, and strategy. He holds an Executive MBA from Southern Methodist University and a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University.
Visit the website: Deepdub.ai
Coaching Website: https://voiceover.guru/ and https://learnwiththegurus.com/
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com
Join our Circle Community: https://the-voiceover-gurus.circle.so/home

Monday Oct 09, 2023
Ep 124 - My VO Journey with Gary Lyons
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Episode 124 – My VO Journey with Gary Lyons
In this episode of The Voiceover Gurus podcast, Linda chats with another up in coming voice talent to chat about his life and what brought him into this VO World.
Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Gary Lyons has been close to a microphone almost all his life. He received vocal training from Louisiana natives Nancy Armstrong and Kenneth Mitchell in his early years. This training combined with a strong base in musical theater he gained later in life drew Gary to the world of voice acting and advertising.
Now based in Nashville TN, Gary runs his own voice over studio and has worked with such clients as Microsoft, Body Armor, Rémy Martin, and the New England Air Museum. He has an unwavering work ethic and loves every opportunity to be behind the microphone.
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Ep 123 - From Child Actor to Voice Actor - Connor Quinn Part 2
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Episode 123 – From Child Actor to Voice Actor – Connor Quinn
Welcome to The Voiceover Gurus podcast! In part two of this episode, Linda had the pleasure of chatting with Connor Quinn, a gifted voiceover actor who started his career at just six years old. With 50 years of experience under his belt, his stories are truly captivating and inspiring for anyone learning about the business.
About Connor:
Connor’s familiar, multi-award winning voices have been heard
introducing some of the most loved movies of all time—as well as radio and TV commercials, cartoons and video games.
His career began at the age of 6, doing on-camera work in Hollywood for hundreds of TV commercials (JELL-O, Coca-Cola, McDonald's among others) as a child actor, as well as appearances on such loved television shows as Little House on the Prairie, Sesame Street.
He transitioned behind the microphone in his teens, voicing many projects for Disney, NBC and getting to train with some of the legends of voice-overs. Including Daws Butler, Corey Burton and Hal Douglas.
2023 marks Connor's 36th year in voice overs. Over the years he has voiced tens of thousands of commercials. His voice is regularly heard on the Howard Stern Show, his voice characterizations have been used for The Walking Dead, Star Trek as well as voicing characters for Disney’s classic video game, Kingdom Hearts. He is the iconic voice, that some of the world’s most trusted brands have turned to, including Visaa, Sandals Resorts, Crayola, Dollywood, Pandora, and The History Channel, among many others.
Please visit Connors website: www.voxguy.com
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com

Monday Sep 18, 2023
Ep 122 - From Child Actor to Voice Actor - Connor Quinn Part 1
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Episode 122 – From Child Actor to Voice Actor – Connor Quinn
Welcome to The Voiceover Gurus podcast! In part one of this two part episode, Linda had the pleasure of chatting with Connor Quinn, a gifted voiceover actor who started his career at just six years old. With 50 years of experience under his belt, his stories are truly captivating and inspiring for anyone learning about the business.
About Connor:
Connor’s familiar, multi-award winning voices have been heard
introducing some of the most loved movies of all time—as well as radio and TV commercials, cartoons and video games.
His career began at the age of 6, doing on-camera work in Hollywood for hundreds of TV commercials (JELL-O, Coca-Cola, McDonald's among others) as a child actor, as well as appearances on such loved television shows as Little House on the Prairie, Sesame Street.
He transitioned behind the microphone in his teens, voicing many projects for Disney, NBC and getting to train with some of the legends of voice-overs. Including Daws Butler, Corey Burton and Hal Douglas.
2023 marks Connor's 36th year in voice overs. Over the years he has voiced tens of thousands of commercials. His voice is regularly heard on the Howard Stern Show, his voice characterizations have been used for The Walking Dead, Star Trek as well as voicing characters for Disney’s classic video game, Kingdom Hearts. He is the iconic voice, that some of the world’s most trusted brands have turned to, including Visaa, Sandals Resorts, Crayola, Dollywood, Pandora, and The History Channel, among many others.
Please visit Connors website: www.voxguy.com
Linda Bruno Voice Actress https://www.lindabruno.com
Alyssa Jayson Actress and Musician http://www.alyssajayson.com